Isaiah Weasel Bear

Professional Mentor “Relative”, Rapid City

Isaiah Weasel Bear, Wase Ahli Nanji (Stands on War paint) is Oglala and Sicangu. He is a recent graduate from Western Dakota Tech with A.A. in Allied Health and a A.A. in Community Health and will soon be pursuing a B.S. in Behavioral Health Services to serve relatives in the area of generational trauma with an emphasis in holistic cultural intervention approach in healing. Isaiah has volunteered most of his life in the area of coaching indigenous youth in basketball, track and field, teaching youth the Lakota values and walking a positive way of life. He is also a Men’s Northern Plains traditional champion dancer for 25 years. He has served as an indigenous youth mentor for the last 10 years from the Pacific Coastal Tribes to the Oceti Sakowin in the area of cultural identity, trauma, and physical health (native youth and diabetes). Isaiah also has IHS ED experience working with physical trauma with the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. Isaiah enjoys being a father, staying healthy through fitness, hiking and traveling. He is dedicated to helping build our next generation of leaders within the community.

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