Richard "Hmuya Mani" Two Dogs

Cultural Advisor “Interpreter of the Sacred”

Hmuya Mani (Richard Two Dogs) is an enrolled member of the Oglala Sioux Tribe, a federally chartered Indian tribe. He lives with his spouse in Porcupine, South Dakota in the Oglala Lakota Nation.

Mr. Two Dogs is from the Mato Oyate, Kiyuksa Band and is Oglala Lakota. He is an Oglala traditional healer and a Wakan Iyeska (Interpreter of the Sacred). His father is the late Asa Two Dogs, Sr. and his mother is the late Edna Lone Hill-Two Dogs. He descends from the bloodline of Medicine Horse, American Horse, Brown Cloud and Little Warrior.

Mr. Two Dogs serves as adjunct faculty for the Oglala Lakota College and has served on the Board of Directors of KILI Radio and for the former Wakanyeja Pawicayapi, Inc. (“The Children First”), a nonprofit culturally based children’s and family mental health organization.

Mr. Two Dogs also performs volunteer service on the board of directors of the Tiyospaye Sakowin Education and Healing Center, Knife Chief Buffalo Nation Organization and also with Tasunke Wakan Okolakiciye (Medicine Horse Society). These groups are dedicated to the revitalization of the Lakota culture and language.

For more than three decades, Mr. Two Dogs has provided Lakota cultural services to many tribal nations in the United States and Canada. He has extensive experience in development and training in the areas of Lakota mental health and wellness, Lakota language revitalization, cultural competency, child and family development and individual/family healing.

Mr. Two Dogs has provided consulting services to Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration for projects funded by the Bureau of Indian Affairs and Administration for Children and Families.

Mr. Two Dogs provides cultural mentorship to Native youth in juvenile corrections facilities in South Dakota and Colorado.

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